Module 4.2 Automation – going large-scale (outline)

Theme 4: Pipeline development and automation


Automation – going large-scale



Activity description




Lecture: “Automating the lab for large-scale testing and sequencing”


·       Appreciate the challenges involved with large-scale testing and sequencing

·       Understand the importance of automating laboratory procedures



Site-visit: “Visit to the Danish Biobank”

·       See how it is done, in practice!




Denmark scaled up testing at a massive scale during the pandemic. Almost all the samples went through the test-center (TCDK) at SSI, which was in fact established during the pandemic. Consequently, automation of labflow, including implementation of robots and recording in databases has played a pivotal role in managing and monitoring all the processing steps and handling of the data. In this module, the participants will get an appreciation of how it was done in Denmark.

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 2:48 PM