Exercise objectives

The objectives of the exercise were:

  1. In-country emergency recognition and management: detect and risk assess the situation, activate emergency organisation and plans, manage and monitor the emergency;
  2. Inter-sectoral collaboration: work effectively between the health and key related sectors, to assess the risks and manage the emergency;
  3. International collaboration: interact effectively with contiguous and other countries in the wider region, and international authorities, to assess, manage, communicate and work collaboratively to address, mitigate and resolve the international emergency;
  4. Risk communication: to communicate effectively regarding the health risks, between stakeholders, professionals and the public.
  5. Review and evaluation: reflect on potential lessons from the exercise relating to the present state of preparedness for public health emergencies, involving mosquito borne viral diseases in particular, and for communicable disease events more generally.
Last modified: Friday, 28 February 2020, 3:02 PM