Competencies linked

Competency framework Name
EUPHEM Competencies (Internal) 7.: Teaching and pedagogy
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Communication with emergency management, public safety, and other sectors
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Communication with healthcare providers
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Communication with other public health institutions at the global, European, national, and subnational levels
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Crisis management
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Environmental monitoring
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Epidemiological investigation
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Incident recognition
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Medical surge
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Policy implementation: communicating between national and subnational authorities and enforcing laws and regulations
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Preventive services
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Risk characterisation
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Surveillance and epidemiological monitoring
ECDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Use dynamic listening and manage rumours