Exercise objectives

The objectives of this exercise were:

1. To explore contact tracing procedures within the EU, based on the draft paper developed by the working group of the Health Security Committee.

2. To explore the reaction of stakeholders to an event which might require international contact tracing within the European Union based on the draft paper developed by the working group of the Health Security Committee.

3. To clarify the collaboration mechanisms, roles and responsibilities between member states and between member states and European co-ordinating bodies.

4. To explore the procedures required by the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the role of WHO in outbreaks of notifiable infectious disease within the European Union boundary.

5. Explore the role of ECDC in an event which might require international contact tracing within the European Union based on the draft paper developed by the working group of the Health Security Committee.

Last modified: Thursday, 27 June 2019, 6:23 PM