Training objectives

In general, after attending the workshop, the participant should be:

  1. Familiar with interactive and adult learning methods, e.g. case studies;
  2. Able to lecture on surveillance, outbreak investigation, and epidemiological VPD research
  3. Able to facilitate case studies in these areas;
  4. Be able to define the target audience and to adjust material/contents
  5. Mobilise resources (human, budget, etc) to organise training in this area.

Specifically, after the Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop participants are expected to be able to:

  1. give a lecture on Surveillance of VPDs and to facilitate case-studies to enable participants:
    • Describe the rationale for surveillance of VPDs;
    • Describe how surveillance can contribute to decision making regarding implementation of vaccines and evaluation of vaccination programmes;
    • Describe the epidemiological principles and methods for the surveillance of vaccine preventable disease (both clinical and laboratory), including the main sources of data;
    • Describe the different requirements of surveillance of VPDs; Compare the strengths and weaknesses of alternative sources of data in terms of these requirements;
    • Describe the relevant European networks for surveillance of VPDs.
    • Describe the epidemiological principles and methods for surveillance of adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) after licensure (passive, enhanced passive, active)
  2. give a lecture on Outbreak Investigation of VPDs and to facilitate case-studies to enable participants:
    • Describe the rationale for outbreak investigations of VPDs;
    • List general causes for VPD outbreaks;
    • Develop study questions given a specific outbreak of a VPD;
    • Describe study designs for outbreak investigation of VPD and their main outcomes of interest:
      • i.      descriptive studies (burden of disease, hypothesis generation, secondary attack rates, estimation of Re)
      • ii.      analytical studies (vaccine effectiveness, risk factors for vaccine failure, risk factors for non-vaccination);
    • Describe the main challenges and possible approaches to these in outbreak investigation of VPDs;
    • Give examples of the use of results of outbreak investigations of VPD in the design and implementation of vaccination policy.


Last modified: Thursday, 27 June 2019, 6:06 PM