Exercise evaluation

Exercise Blue Triangle was evaluated against the objectives of the exercise and was supported by:

  • feedback forms developed by the Exercise Design Team and completed by participants, observers and evaluators during the exercise, where notes, observations and comments were registered;
  • a hot debrief conducted by control staff immediately after the end of the exercise. where a representative of each group of participants was invited to comment on " What went well" and "Key issues or learning points"
  •  preliminary internal feedback from ECDC staff the day after the exercise
  • a comprehensive debrief process including an evaluation meeting and a workshop two weeks after the exercise where participants, observers , EDT and the EPG reconsidered all the issues raised during the exercise and offered further comments and possible solutions.

The exercise evaluation workshop was organised in 2 parts:

  • AM – Workshop in 2 groups, Observers and MS Participants (External group) and ECDC Participants and Evaluators (Internal group) to discuss problems and possible solutions, identified during the exercise. 
  • PM – Plenary session, this session included presentations from both groups on the workshop outcomes.

Last modified: Monday, 27 January 2020, 11:32 AM