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Virtual training in EVA - 12 and 14 Sep: From sequencer to polished reads for bacteria (GenEpi-BioTrain)

Rodrigo Filipe
Virtual training in EVA - 12 and 14 Sep: From sequencer to polished reads for bacteria (GenEpi-BioTrain)
by Rodrigo Filipe - Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 4:28 PM

From sequencer to polished reads for bacteria

 GenEpi-BioTrain - Virtual training
12 and 14 September 2023 09:00 - 12:30

Preparedness checkmark

The aim of this virtual training is to introduce participants to the software tools commonly used for assessing quality of and polishing Illumina and Nanopore bacterial sequencing data. 

Participants will gain insights into interpreting quality control (QC) parameters as well as how to handle bad quality reads and contaminated data.

Session 1: Introduction to and execution of QC assessment and contamination control.

Session 2: Interpretation of QC and contamination results. Performing read trimming.

If you are a microbiologist or a bioinformatician interested in quality assessment of sequence read data of bacteria, enrol today and tell your colleagues. It's open for public enrolment.

Enrol today