The competencies below are the core competencies for EU public health epidemiologists in communicable disease surveillance and response, as published by the ECDC.

Click on each competency to find training materials and activities related to each competency.
Field Epidemiology competencies
knowledge domaincompentencyrelated courses
Domain 1.1.1.: Public health science01. Use current knowledge of epidemiology of diseases to guide public health or epidemiological practice.1
Domain 1.1.1.: Public health science02. Provide epidemiological input to develop measurable relevant objectives of public health programmes.0
Domain 1.1.1.: Public health science03. Use knowledge of specific sociological and cultural factors in the population to conduct studies and recommend public health actions relevant for the affected community.3
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy04. Understand and analyse legal public health policy documents at local, national and European level.2
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy05. Use epidemiological findings to plan public health programmes.4
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy06. Implement public health programmes: translate policy into public health practice.2
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy07. Identify effective health promotion measures for specific problems.2
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy08. Identify appropriate health prevention measures for specific problems.3
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy09. Evaluate the impact of an intervention on population health.1
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy10. Measure health outcomes to guide decision making in prevention strategy.2
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy11. Use evaluation results of programme progress towards objectives and outcomes in further programme planning and modification.1
Domain 1.1.2.: Public health policy12. Identify an appropriate public health intervention based on surveillance data.1
Domain 1.2.1.: Risk Assessment13. Identify sources of information about potential public health threats.6
Domain 1.2.1.: Risk Assessment14. Conduct risk assessments: verify, using critical thinking, if a public health problem exists and describe its magnitude.2
Domain 1.2.1.: Risk Assessment15. Identify surveillance data needs for risk assessments of public health threats.1
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance16. Run a surveillance system.0
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance17. Conduct surveillance data management.0
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance18. Perform descriptive analysis of surveillance data.0
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance19. Interpret disease and public health events trends from time series analysis.0
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance20. Identify key findings from surveillance data analysis and draw conclusions.0
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance21. Evaluate surveillance systems.0
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance22. Recognise the need for and set up a new surveillance system.2
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance23. Use event-based surveillance, also called epidemic intelligence, to detect health threats.5
Domain 1.2.2.: Public health surveillance24. Be familiar with laws on surveillance and reporting of communicable diseases at national, EU level and globally (International Health Regulations).3
Domain 1.2.3.: Outbreak investigation25. Create a case definition and adjust it as necessary during the investigation.4
Domain 1.2.3.: Outbreak investigation26. Describe the outbreak in terms of person, place and time.3
Domain 1.2.3.: Outbreak investigation27. Generate hypothesis about the cause and/or risk factors of the outbreak.5
Domain 1.2.3.: Outbreak investigation28. Conduct analytical epidemiological investigation to identify the source.5
Domain 1.2.3.: Outbreak investigation29. Recommend appropriate evidence based measures to control the outbreak.5
Domain 1.2.3.: Outbreak investigation30. Report and present results of an investigation.4
Domain 1.2.4.: Epidemiological studies31. Write a study protocol using investigation techniques consistent with the public health problem.2
Domain 1.2.4.: Epidemiological studies32. Conduct epidemiological studies.3
Domain 1.2.4.: Epidemiological studies33. Report and present results of a study.4
Domain 1.2.4.: Epidemiological studies34. Recommend evidence-based interventions in response to epidemiological findings.4
Domain 1.2.5.: Infectious diseases35. Be familiar with transmission dynamics of infectious diseases.4
Domain 1.2.6.: Laboratory issues36. Interpret the diagnostic and epidemiological significance of reports from laboratory tests.1
Domain 1.2.6.: Laboratory issues37. Be familiar with different methods for diagnosis and typing, including molecular tests.2
Domain 1.2.6.: Laboratory issues38. Communicate effectively with the laboratory team.2
Domain 1.2.7.: Public health guidance39. Identify, review and assess relevant literature and other evidence.2
Domain 1.2.7.: Public health guidance40. Develop evidence based guidelines for surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases and other acute public health events.2
Domain 1.2.7.: Public health guidance41. Identify appropriate target groups for guidelines.3
Domain 2.1.1.: Probability42. Apply basic concepts of probability.0
Domain 2.1.2: Inferential statistics43. Calculate and interpret point estimates and confidence intervals of measures of central tendency and dispersion.0
Domain 2.1.2: Inferential statistics44. Calculate and interpret point estimates and confidence intervals of measures of disease frequency.0
Domain 2.1.2: Inferential statistics45. Calculate and interpret point estimates and confidence intervals of measures of association and impact.0
Domain 2.1.2: Inferential statistics46. Calculate and interpret significance tests.0
Domain 2.1.3.: Sampling47. Select an appropriate sampling strategy.2
Domain 2.2.1.: Internet48. Use internet sources to conduct literature search.2
Domain 2.2.1.: Internet49. Use web-enabled databases.0
Domain 2.2.2.: Statistical and other data analysis50. Use database software packages for entering and managing data.0
Domain 2.2.2.: Statistical and other data analysis51. Use software packages for statistical analysis (measures of association, testing, and logistic regression).0
Domain 2.2.2.: Statistical and other data analysis52. Draw conclusions from the results of analysis.1
Domain 2.2.3.: Editing and presentations53. Use software for writing, editing and creating presentations.0
Domain 2.3.1.: Risk communication54. Apply the basic principles of risk communication, adjusting the message when presenting results of an investigation to different audiences: media, general public, professionals and policy makers.7
Domain 2.3.2.: Written communication55. Write a report of an epidemiological investigation for decision makers.4
Domain 2.3.2.: Written communication56. Write an article for a scientific journal.2
Domain 2.3.2.: Written communication57. Write an abstract.4
Domain 2.3.2.: Written communication58. Write a press release.0
Domain 2.3.2.: Written communication59. Produce documents, reports, letters, meeting minutes, etc.0
Domain 2.3.3.: Oral communication60. Incorporate interpersonal skills in communication with colleagues and with the other audiences.1
Domain 2.3.3.: Oral communication61. Analyse and synthesise main points in a speech.0
Domain 2.3.3.: Oral communication62. Provide objective feedback (descriptive, rather than judgemental).1
Domain 2.3.4.: Use of new communication technologies63. Use communication technologies (videoconference, teleconference, e-mail, etc.) effectively.0
Domain 2.4.1.: Planning and use of resources64. Plan, prioritise and schedule tasks in a project.2
Domain 2.4.1.: Planning and use of resources65. Monitor progress and quality against specific targets, adjust schedules and make changes if necessary.1
Domain 2.4.1.: Planning and use of resources66. Manage available resources (staff, time, budget, etc) effectively.3
Domain 2.4.1.: Planning and use of resources67. Conduct epidemiological activities within the financial and operational planning context.1
Domain 2.4.1.: Planning and use of resources68. Prepare an activity report.2
Domain 2.4.2.: Team building and negotiation69. Be an effective team member, adopting the role needed to contribute constructively to the accomplishment of tasks by the group (including leadership).3
Domain 2.4.2.: Team building and negotiation70. Promote collaborations, partnerships and team building to accomplish epidemiology programme objectives.1
Domain 2.4.2.: Team building and negotiation71. Develop community partnerships to support epidemiological investigations.1
Domain 2.4.2.: Team building and negotiation72. Mutually identify those interests that are shared, opposed or different with the other party to achieve good collaborations and conflict management.1
Domain 2.5.1.: Mentorship73. Mentor peers or junior epidemiologists.0
Domain 2.5.1.: Mentorship74. Assist others to clarify thinking, create consensus, and develop ideas into actionable plans.0
Domain 2.5.2.: Training75. Train junior epidemiologists.0
Domain 2.6.1.: Protection of individuals76. Respect and adhere to ethical principles regarding human welfare.1
Domain 2.6.1.: Protection of individuals77. Follow ethics principles and guidelines for planning studies, conducting research, and collecting disseminating and using data.3
Domain 2.6.1.: Protection of individuals78. Apply relevant laws to data collection, management, dissemination and use of information.1
Domain 2.6.2.: Confidentiality79. Respect and adhere to ethical principles regarding data protection and confidentiality regarding any information obtained as part of the professional activity.1
Domain 2.6.3.: Conflicts of interests80. Handle conflicts of interests.1

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