Click below to find opportunities in EVA to develop competencies of Domain B2: Surveillance for infectious diseases.

competencerelated courses
B2.1 Define the type of surveillance data needed for risk assessment of public health threats and for the evaluation of public health measures.8
B2.2 Operate routine surveillance systems and develop new surveillance systems as required by public health needs, guiding their design and content.5
B2.3 Operate routine early warning systems and develop new early warning systems as the need arises, paying particular attention to the completeness and accuracy of data capture.2
B2.4 Analyse surveillance data for action, using event-based and indicator-based surveillance systems to identify cases or clusters of infectious disease in need of further investigation.6
B2.5 Recognise the role of surveillance data and outbreak management in protecting vulnerable groups and settings.5
B2.6 Recognise the value and limitations of working with data that were not primarily designed for surveillance or research, such as secondary data, electronic health records or ‘big data’, and integrate this into practice.2
B2.7 Be familiar with laws and declarations on surveillance and reporting at national, EU and international level (International Health Regulations).5
B2.8 Establish cross-border relationships and collaboration in the area of surveillance with public health teams in bordering geographical areas and engage with points of entry (PoE) in relation to international travel.0
B2.9 Evaluate existing surveillance systems of communicable diseases.2

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