Click below to find opportunities in EVA Domain A2: Epidemiological research methods.

competencerelated courses
A2.1 Conduct critical appraisal of scientific literature using established tools, such as checklists for systematic reviews, rapid and long-term risk assessments, randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, economic evaluations, diagnostic studies, and qualitative studies, as relevant.2
A2.2 Write a study protocol, detailing the public health problem to be investigated and appropriate investigation techniques consistent with the problem and context.0
A2.3 Design epidemiological studies (e.g. population-based studies, cross-sectional studies, ecological studies) to investigate disease burden in a population, using appropriate sampling strategies.0
A2.4 Design epidemiological studies to investigate the determinants of disease, to ascertain associations and/or disease causation (e.g. cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, recognising the multifactorial nature of disease).2
A2.5 Design qualitative studies that are informed by behavioural sciences to explore qualitative aspects of the impact of infectious diseases on individuals, the community and health services.0
A2.6 Design, test and evaluate data collection methods, including case report forms and questionnaires.3
A2.7 Assess study instruments and their measurement properties, specifically their validity, reliability, and cross-cultural applicability.3
A2.8 Explain and apply the concepts of correlation and association in observational studies and apply relevant criteria for inferring causation from observational studies.1
A2.9 Recognise sources of bias, confounding, interaction and effect modification, and how to recognise and adjust for these in the study design and analytical techniques.1
A2.10 Estimate and interpret measures of effect from cohort studies, case control studies and randomised control trials.2

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