Exercise Evaluation

Exercise Beaivi was evaluated against the objectives of the exercise. The evaluation was based upon the following:

  • Outputs from the exercise. Press releases, lines to take, social media postings (“Twists”), situation reports, extranet postings and e-mails generated by the participants in the course of the exercise were collected and have been included in the evidence base for this report. 
  • Player feedback forms. Feedback forms were completed by participants, observers and evaluators immediately after the exercise.
  • Hot wash–up / debriefs. Participants were debriefed at the end of each shift. And, at the end of the exercise all participants were invited to a debrief to feedback their experience of the exercise.
  • Feedback from observers and HPA evaluators. In addition to feedback forms, the observers and the HPA evaluators provided written feedback to the exercise manager for inclusion in the report.
  • Feedback from key ECDC staff. The Director, the PHE Manager for the exercise and the ECDC evaluator were de-briefed separately at the end of the exercise and asked to provide feedback.
  • Post-exercise evaluation workshop. On the 1 June 2012 at ECDC, the HPA led an evaluation workshop to which all participants were invited. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the feedback from, and identify gaps in the information gathered during the exercise and the hot wash-ups. The workshop was attended by 19 delegates and was divided into three sessions.
Last modified: Monday, 27 January 2020, 12:02 PM