Exercise Evaluation

Exercise Purple Octagon has been evaluated against the objectives of the exercise, this evaluation is supported by and based upon the following:

  1. feedback forms which were developed by the EDT and completed by players, observers and evaluators during the exercise. These forms included notes, observations and comments made during the exercise
  2. a comprehensive report including observations and recommendations developed by a team of international evaluators who were based at ECDC, Stockholm throughout the exercise.
  3. a hot wash-up conducted by control staff immediately after the end of the exercise. where a representative group of players was invited to comment on “What went well” and “Key issues or learning points”
  4. an evaluation workshop that took place on 18 September at ECDC in Stockholm for exercise Players, Evaluators and Observers, who contributed to the exercise at ECDC. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the degree of attainment of the exercise objectives, identify specific command, control and communication issues and discuss potential solutions to lessons identified.
  5. a comprehensive evaluation audio conference on 21 September 2009 where controllers and evaluators reconsidered all the issues raised during the exercise and offered further comments and possible solutions
  6. Players in Exercise Purple Octagon were given a player evaluation form which was to be completed and given to Exercise Control by 9 October 2009.
Evaluators from both ECDC and participating countries and organisations presented a report on the main lessons identified and comments on Exercise Purple Octagon. Each Observer was also asked to complete an evaluation report within two weeks of the exercise. All the information gathered during the evaluation process has been collated, analysed and summarised.

Last modified: Monday, 27 January 2020, 12:09 PM