Exercise Evaluation

Exercise Orange Circle was evaluated against the objectives of the exercise and was supported by:

  1. Feedback forms developed by the Exercise Design Team and completed by participants, observers and evaluators during the exercise, where notes, observations and comments were registered
  2. A  hot debrief conducted by control staff immediately after the end of the exercise where a representative of each group of participants was invited to comment on key issues and learning points
  3. Checklists were completed by evaluators.
  4. A comprehensive debrief process including an evaluation workshop where players, observers, HPA and the EPG considered all the issues raised during the exercise and offered further comments and possible solutions (see below).

Each Observer was invited to feedback at the evaluation workshop.

The exercise evaluation workshop took place in Stockholm the day after the exercise. The workshop split the participants into two groups to discuss problems and possible solutions, identified during the exercise. The two groups were:

  • External group - all Member States Participants, external Observers and Evaluators
  • Internal group - ECDC Participants and internal observers and Evaluators

The two groups were facilitated in their discussion by control staff that ‘walked’ the participants through the exercise to ensure maximum capture of comments. The workshop then brought all participants back to a final plenary session to share the two groups’ discussions and allow further discussion of the issues raised.

A report was produced of the exercise findings taking into account all the feedback.

Last modified: Monday, 27 January 2020, 11:35 AM