Exercise evaluation

Exercise Brown Lagoon was evaluated against- the objectives of the exercise and was supported by:

  • feedback forms developed by the Exercise Design Team and completed by participants, observers and evaluators during the exercise, where notes, observations and comments were registered
  • a hot wash-up conducted by control staff immediately after the end of the exercise. where a representative of each group of participants was invited to comment on " What went well" and "Key issues or learning points"
  • an evaluation report from observers and evaluators 
  • an evaluation meeting among the Exercise Planning Group and Observers that took place to discuss comments from Observers and Evaluators (see below)
  • a comprehensive debrief process where participants reconsidered all the issues raised during the exercise and offered further comments and possible solutions

The evaluation meeting took place two weeks after Exercise Brown Lagoon. The evaluation meeting was organised in 2 parts: 

  • Evaluation meeting to discuss evaluators and observers comments and reports
  • Workshop with participants to discuss possible solutions, based on the compiled list of issues identified from the exercise feedback 

Last modified: Monday, 27 January 2020, 12:16 PM