Announcements' board

Second pilot the course on “Cross-border sharing of public health data”

Liliya Todorova-Janssens
Second pilot the course on “Cross-border sharing of public health data”
by Liliya Todorova-Janssens - Tuesday, 23 July 2019, 10:12 AM

ECDC is looking for 40 volunteers for the second pilot the course on “Cross-border sharing of public health data”! The course is open for self enrolment.

In this introduction e-learning course to “Cross-border sharing of public health data” you will learn enough to have a basic practical understanding of the legislation that applies to the subject in context.

Public health data often contains personal data. During this course you will learn enough to begin applying the concepts of data protection in your day to day work as a public health professional. While the focus is on EU legislation, the concepts presented may also be relevant in other legal systems.

This course will be especially useful to non-legal public health professionals, with responsibilities in the field of communicable disease surveillance. Those who may need to share or process public health data, including those performing data surveillance activities, data gathering administration and clinical research.

The second pilot will run for 2 months and will be closed for analyses on 1 September 2019.

Self enrolment



Liliya on behalf of EVA team